Thursday, April 23, 2009

Assessing assessments

I need a book and a journal article, p460 inventing arguments

I think i have, my resources have met the requirements and are all very helpful. I do need more than what i have, however I think i will be able to manage.

Research resource image

This is a pie chart of the ages of people that use facebook. This is a very useful source because it shows that the majority of people that use facebook are young adults, meaning that the majority of those 70 million facebook users are young adults.

Resources reflection

How did you find your resources?

I went on the san jose library website and used databases such as search premier. I used an interview in which I interview 20 of my friends that use facebook. I got this idea from you during our 15 minute meeting and I simply asked 20 people at random that had facebooks. I also went on google and looked for articles and such.

How has research altered your original idea?

My research has made me narrow my thesis in terms of the age of the people I am focusing on. Other than that it has not really altered my idea.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Research Newspaper

For teens, a friend online is usually a friend offline, too

usa today
Sharon Jayson

This newspaper article talks about the fact that people that use facebook to interact with friends that they already no, and not strangers which helps me prove my point that it keeps friends connected, despite geographically distances.

Research Magazine article

Clive Thompson. (2008, September). I'M SO TOTALLY, DIGITALLY CLOSE TO YOU. New York Times Magazine,42-47. Retrieved April 20, 2009, from ProQuest Newsstand database. (Document ID: 1553321261).


This is an article that tells about how people could post a simple description their day or something along those lines and multiple of friends could comment, no matter where they were geographically, bringing them a little closer to each other through sharing personal tid bits

research personal interview

I am doing a survey with 20 of my friends that use facebook.
My main purpose for this survey is to find out how often and how long they use facebook to make the point that young adults check their facebook much more often than their emails.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Research Questions

Old thesis: Social Networking sites help bridge geographical distances between friends and allow an easier mode of communication.

-add "between them" after communication.

How does Facebook help reconnect people?
Who has a Facebook?
What do people use Facebook for?
Focus on the student to student relationship via facebook.

Thesis statement

Social Networking sites help bridge geographical distances between friends and allow an easier mode of communication.

Wiki assessment

I searched for the wiki entry of "facebook" and got some interesting results. This page basically states a lot about the history of and a good definition.

This page's defintion for facebook was the following:
"Facebook is a free-access social networking website that is operated and privately owned by Facebook, Inc.[1] Users can join networks organized by city, workplace, school, and region to connect and interact with other people. People can also add friends and send them messages, and update their personal profiles to notify friends about themselves. The website's name refers to the paper facebooks depicting members of a campus community that some US colleges and preparatory schools give to incoming students, faculty, and staff as a way to get to know other people on campus."

I would consider this an authoritative source because of its extensive reference list of multiple authors of books, critics, and more. I looked into the discussion and nothing really caught my eye as something to be wary of. Most people did not disagree about much except for small things such as the fact that facebook works in Iran. As a user myself, i would agree with this definition of facebook as well.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Assessing technology articles

Isolated Community: Hidden dangers of MMORPGs
Rachel Schofield

Rachel Schofield describes many dangers of these MMORPGs such as WOW or world of warcraft.
These are online role playing games that millions of people can play and interact with each other. Because you only interact with people online, these players do not get a chance to interact with people face-to-face which severely damages their ability to socialize with other people face to face. Schofield claims that one reason that people play these types of games is because the society that we live in today does not accommodate every single person on this earth, leaving many stuck behind. Due to this fact they turn to a virtual world where they can be whoever they want to be and do whatever they want to do. Many of these gamers spend hours upon hours playing these games and thus becomes isolated from their immediate community.