Tuesday, May 12, 2009


The revised version was much more free and less structured.
I like the newer version because it allowed us to revise our past essays.
More time spent on each essay. I felt that all the essays were very rushed.
I liked the fact that we all had laptops and it made it very easy to show each other our work and we did not have to print anything out.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Research source jounal article

College students' social networking experiences on Facebook.
Pempek, Tiffany A.1
Yermolayeva, Yevdokiya A.1
Calvert, Sandra L. calverts@georgetown.edu
Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology; May2009, Vol. 30 Issue 3, p227-238, 12p

3.3. How are students interacting on Facebook?

Like traditional media such as television and film viewing, Facebook consists of a one-to-many communication style, where information presented reaches many “viewers” at a time. However, with social networking sites, users are now the creators of content, and they view one another's profiles and information rather than viewing mass-produced content made by large corporations. They also become the stars of their own productions. As students commented:

“I primarily use Facebook to maintain connections with people that I do not get to see or talk to that often. It has also been an easy form of mass communication to disseminate information or things such as pictures.”

“They are very helpful for networking, Myspace especially – where you can become an internet celebrity.”

This pattern of one-to-many communication is also revealed by what students do online (observe/lurk) and by wall posts (where many students can see what they are doing all at once) rather than sending private messages.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Assessing assessments

I need a book and a journal article, p460 inventing arguments

I think i have, my resources have met the requirements and are all very helpful. I do need more than what i have, however I think i will be able to manage.

Research resource image

This is a pie chart of the ages of people that use facebook. This is a very useful source because it shows that the majority of people that use facebook are young adults, meaning that the majority of those 70 million facebook users are young adults.

Resources reflection

How did you find your resources?

I went on the san jose library website and used databases such as search premier. I used an interview in which I interview 20 of my friends that use facebook. I got this idea from you during our 15 minute meeting and I simply asked 20 people at random that had facebooks. I also went on google and looked for articles and such.

How has research altered your original idea?

My research has made me narrow my thesis in terms of the age of the people I am focusing on. Other than that it has not really altered my idea.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Research Newspaper

For teens, a friend online is usually a friend offline, too

usa today
Sharon Jayson

This newspaper article talks about the fact that people that use facebook to interact with friends that they already no, and not strangers which helps me prove my point that it keeps friends connected, despite geographically distances.

Research Magazine article

Clive Thompson. (2008, September). I'M SO TOTALLY, DIGITALLY CLOSE TO YOU. New York Times Magazine,42-47. Retrieved April 20, 2009, from ProQuest Newsstand database. (Document ID: 1553321261).


This is an article that tells about how people could post a simple description their day or something along those lines and multiple of friends could comment, no matter where they were geographically, bringing them a little closer to each other through sharing personal tid bits

research personal interview

I am doing a survey with 20 of my friends that use facebook.
My main purpose for this survey is to find out how often and how long they use facebook to make the point that young adults check their facebook much more often than their emails.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Research Questions

Old thesis: Social Networking sites help bridge geographical distances between friends and allow an easier mode of communication.

-add "between them" after communication.

How does Facebook help reconnect people?
Who has a Facebook?
What do people use Facebook for?
Focus on the student to student relationship via facebook.

Thesis statement

Social Networking sites help bridge geographical distances between friends and allow an easier mode of communication.

Wiki assessment

I searched for the wiki entry of "facebook" and got some interesting results. This page basically states a lot about the history of facebook.com and a good definition.

This page's defintion for facebook was the following:
"Facebook is a free-access social networking website that is operated and privately owned by Facebook, Inc.[1] Users can join networks organized by city, workplace, school, and region to connect and interact with other people. People can also add friends and send them messages, and update their personal profiles to notify friends about themselves. The website's name refers to the paper facebooks depicting members of a campus community that some US colleges and preparatory schools give to incoming students, faculty, and staff as a way to get to know other people on campus."

I would consider this an authoritative source because of its extensive reference list of multiple authors of books, critics, and more. I looked into the discussion and nothing really caught my eye as something to be wary of. Most people did not disagree about much except for small things such as the fact that facebook works in Iran. As a user myself, i would agree with this definition of facebook as well.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Assessing technology articles

Isolated Community: Hidden dangers of MMORPGs
Rachel Schofield

Rachel Schofield describes many dangers of these MMORPGs such as WOW or world of warcraft.
These are online role playing games that millions of people can play and interact with each other. Because you only interact with people online, these players do not get a chance to interact with people face-to-face which severely damages their ability to socialize with other people face to face. Schofield claims that one reason that people play these types of games is because the society that we live in today does not accommodate every single person on this earth, leaving many stuck behind. Due to this fact they turn to a virtual world where they can be whoever they want to be and do whatever they want to do. Many of these gamers spend hours upon hours playing these games and thus becomes isolated from their immediate community.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Brainstorming Technology

  • technology is a mechanical assistant that makes the daily living easier
  • Laptops
  • Everybody
  • It can be copied or used against you. You lose the right to claim ownership of that information.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Essay 2

In today's capitalistic society, many will agree that money truly runs the world, if not, it has an effect on it of colossal proportions. In relation to money, we find the word "debt". "Debt" is a word that nobody wants to hear in association to themselves. Dictionary.com describes debt as "something that is owed or that one is bound to pay to or perform for another". This very day, the wonderful state of California is in debt. Money needs to be conserved or procured in some way. In an attempt to pull California out of debt, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger has implemented multiple budget cuts on the state. One area that will be hit excruciating hard is the CSU, or Cal State University, system. Governor Schwarzenegger plans to raise tuition fees once again to gather more money. One specific change in budget has been implemented on the Cal State University system, which will raise the cost of tuition for all CSU students, causing catastrophic changes to the diversity at San Jose State University.

Unfortunately, many Californians today are unaware of what is going on in the political world. Governor Arnold
Schwarzenegger has signed a new budget that will drastically change life for all CSU and UC students. One Los Angeles Times article informs its readers that "some campuses, including... San Jose... will continue to take all fully qualified students from their own communities. But students from other parts of California may have to show higher grade-point averages and test scores to make the cut." If San Jose State gives students from the San Jose area this edge on acceptance, how will diversity at San Jose State state maintain itself? According to the US Census Bureau, the city of San Jose is mainly comprised of White, Hispanic of Latino, and Asian people. It goes on by stating that the percentages are 47.5%, 30.2%, and 26.9% respectively. These are extremely steep statistics.

In order to raise money, all CSU and UC students will face tuition hikes. The Los Angeles Times states that “the trustees of the Cal State University system voted to raise annual undergraduate student fees 10%.” For the average student at San Jose State University, that means an extra 200 dollars per semester. Many students are simply trying to make ends meet as it is. Many students at San Jose State either work to pay for their own tuition or work to help pay for it. Because of this hike, many students will be forced to drop out of San Jose state because they simply cannot afford it. Many of these students fall under the category of racial minorities causing the diversity at San Jose State to become more of a racial majority university. In the same article, the author write about what student protestors are saying. They argued that students "said the hikes would cause drop outs and many to take on larger loans and work more hours at low-wage jobs. They noted that fees had nearly doubled in the last six years." The families most affected by these hikes are low- and middle- income families. These low- and middle- income families are mainly of Hispanic or Latino and those of racial minorities. Isn't this what the Cal State University system was made for? The Cal State University system was made to provide a higher education to students in these low- and middle- income families.

These statistics are simply for those who are residents in California, however the tuition hikes do not stop there. The Rocky Mountian Collegian Online, an online news distributor, states that "out-of-state undergraduates are looking at an increase of about $614, according to the university's proposed budget." Those students moving over from other countries face enough troubles as it is. They have to deal with hardships such as overseas travel, a massive change in environment, possible language barrier, and maybe even on their own. These hikes greatly discourage and/or make it more difficult for international students to make the move to San Jose State.

It seems almost unintelligent to raise tuition by such extents, however there is a plan. The Rocky Mountain quotes Tony Frank, senior vice provost, who reasons by stating, "CSU hopes new revenue will improve financial aid and athletics, bring in tenure and tenure-track professors and fund university ventures such as environmental initiatives and student retention programs." Although this seems like a good plan, many students cannot afford to reap these benefits that lie ahead in the future. In a way, the CSU system is sacrificing those of low- and middle- income to benefit those of upper middle- and high- income families. Frank goes on to state that "students should expect to see a similar increase in the 2010 fiscal year and beyond." Is there no way to win? Tuition hikes will continue to happen, making the fight for diversity even harder.

Just like a one's life, one's child, or one's rights, no ammount of money can account for the true value of diversity.
For the future, those of racial minorities may feel uncomfortable attending a school of such a strong racial majority. Diversity is paramount to have for a successful society. Each ethnic and racial group brings something new to the table and it is when people learn from each other that progression occurs. People will be able to broaden their horizons and better themselves. Like the United States Army says, "be all you can be."

Work Cited

Kim, Myung. "CSU, Metro also hike tuition." Rocky Mountain News 04, JUN, 2008 10 Mar 2009 .

U.S. Census Bureau, "San Jose (city) QuickFacts." San Jose (city) QuickFacts from the U.S. Census Bureau 20 FEB 2009 10 Mar 2009 .

Holland, Gale. "CSU may cut future enrollment by 10,000." Los Angeles Times 18 NOV 2008 10 Mar 2009 .

Gordon, Larry, MehtaSeema. "Cal State, UC hike fall tuition fees." Los Angeles Times 15 MAY 2008 10 Mar 2009 .

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Thesis: The new California budget set by Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger will have a widespread effect of the state of California, starting with the Cal State Universities.

Intro: In an attempt to pull California out of debt, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger has implemented multiple budget cuts on the state. One area that will be hit extremely hard is the CSU, or Cal State University, system.

Paragraph 1: How it affects families
  • LA Times, "Cal State, UC hike fall tuition fees"- shows what happens to a low-income family when college fees increase
  • Will cause a lack of diversity in the CSU system due to inability to pay for college.

Paragraph 2: How it affects the incoming class.
  • LA Times, "CSU may cut future enrollment by 10,000"
Paragraph 3: How it affects me- to show the effects on a real student as opposed to a statistic.
  • interview with mom- to show personal effects on a family
  • description of changes I personally will need to make.
  • Restate thesis statement in different words
  • "Audacity of Hope" speech to show that it would be possible to come out of a terrible situation and that there is hope.
  • Clincher- ending line, it will be very catchy i hope

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


This article basically states that Governor Schwarzenegger is willing to "take billions of dollars from public schools, shut down four dozen state parks and release tens of thousands of prisoners to close a projected $14.5 billion deficit." I feel that the governor is basically trying to take little bits from every department in California. I do agree that that is the method that should be used because it wouldn't have as big of an effect on California, however i feel that he thinks he has to get all of this done right now which is not true. He needs to span these cuts out so that the effects on California are not as great.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

retorical strategies

  • authoritative tone
  • uses many exclamation marks
  • Thoreau places John Brown on a sort of throne because he has done so much in terms of action
  • Thoreau basically criticizes...

politics summary

A Plea for Captain John Brown
John Brown was an official who gathered 21 men and raided Harper's Ferry which was an armory to arm slaves in the fight against slavery. He and his men were later captured and placed in jail. John Brown was later hung for treason. Although many thought the hanging was justified, Henry David Thoreau wrote this article as a defense for John Brown. Thoreau basically states that John Brown was a hero for stepping out against the government. In addition, he calls him a martyr because he died for his cause. John Brown was willing to die for his fellow men and for his cause, which was something that caught Thoreau's eye as he calls him brave and a hero. Thoreau greatly commends John Brown because he actually lived his life out to the fullest and made a difference with his life.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

President Obama pursuades America to follow him by first presenting a need for himself. He talks about the crisis and then uses inspirational solutions such as banding together to hopefully inspire America to follow him. I believe that his whole speech was meant to fill the souls of Americans with a sense of urgency and inspiration. He talks about what "free men and women" have done in the past and tells America to remember its heroes that protected American liberty to instill a can-do mindset. It is apparent that he wants all Americans to know that they can do it ("it" being reform America and make it better). He ends his speech by hitting an emotional part of Americans as he talks about "our childens' children". Every person wants their grandchildren to respect them and Obama uses this fact to hopefully draw more people to his side.

Reflection 2/12/09

This new way of running this class is very different. I'm not quite sure to think that it is a change for the better or the worse but i do know that it seems like it forces the student to be more independent which is not always a bad thing. I am excited for this change but am approaching the situation with caution due to the uncertainty with in this change. We'll see, it looks like it would be almost fun.

Journal 2/12/09

everyday things
social things such as television shows or movies or sports
events, concerts, shows, raves etc
personal interests
basically anything that involves what i do on a daily or regular basis, or something i do for fun and excitement